There are over a million ways that humans can die, but each one of us will die in a particular way. While some people die in their sleep, some die even before they know they are dead, while others know they are already dead long even before they are dead. Of all these have you ever wondered what the worst ways to die are.
Some define the worst ways to die to include dying young. Nevertheless, what we are looking here is not necessarily young or old surrounded by those that means life to you. To avoid dying in certain ways, many people have opted to legally end their own lives by using certain drugs that are allowed for such purposes in some countries.
Here are the worst ways to die
8. Starving to Death
There are a lot of people that think it is hard for people to die by starvation, but there are many people most especially in places where there are wars and famines that are starving to death. What makes this extremely bad is the fact that you will see yourself dying as each day passes by.
The fats stored in your body would be consumed by your body and once that is done, it will feast next on your muscles and you will see yourself getting emaciated. You will lose vitamins and your body will open up to a lot of diseases, and infections may set in.
In the final stages, you may not feel the hunger again, as you will be too weak and maybe sick.
7. Buried Alive
Also referred to as premature burial or live burial, this is a case in which humans or animals are accidentally or intentionally buried even before they are dead. There are a lot of people that have the fear of being buried alive, and I don’t see any reason why one should fault them because this is among the tops when looking at the worst ways to die.
Different reasons could make for the science behind one dying this way and the most famous is lack of air. If one is able to have air, however, what may lead to death is starvation, dehydration, or other things.
6. Dehydration
Many people get to take water for granted because they are have never really gotten there where they really need it. The reason why people still hold on to the cliché that should never be a cliché about water being life is because the human body is made of 60% water.
The importance of water is so that the bloodstream could be pumped. If one is getting more and more dehydrated, the result is that cells begin to shrink as the body becomes desperate and pulls water from them to keep pumping. Your brain will also begin to shrink because the cells there would also supply their water.
The end result is that headache will kick in, confusion, coma, and death.
5. Electric Chair
Another of the worst ways to die is electric chairs. Is it just for one to get electrocuted and die right? Wrong. Actually, what happens is that one actually gets cooked before one dies completely. While for burning one will get cooked from the outside to the inside, with the electrocution one will get burnt from the inside.
This is a very bad way to die because it pops one’s vital organs and for some people, their eyes fall out. Most times as people get cooked is that it will when they are still conscious.
4. Freezing to Death
The cousin of burning to death is freezing to death. What makes this extremely crazy is that at first just like every other, the body will try to adjust as the temperature continues to drop. The body will struggle to keep generating heat until it is overwhelmed and at this point, the muscles would go wooden.
This will soon affect the performance of the body organs including the brain and their functions would rapidly drop because blood supply will be very little. The brain will also succumb and thought process would be slowed or even interrupted and for those who are lucky, they would go into unconsciousness before finally giving in.
3. Burning
Burning to death is a very tricky one, and definitely one of the worst ways to ever die whether it is in a burning house, burning car, crisis, or in any other way. Based on the scenario, the cases of people may differ a lot. For some, it is jungle justice roasting or even another madness from the sheer evil and wickedness that rules the heart of man.
For one that may get caught in a burning house, if one is lucky, it is the fume that will kill them. But then, it is the fume most times that makes it impossible for many others to escape. The most unfortunate thing with dying by fire is that one will experience how one is being cooked and one may smell one’s own body before finally dying.
2. Crucifixion
In case you are wondering where crucifixion is, this is its Golgotha. Crucifixion is very popular in the Christian faith as it is the way that Jesus Christ was killed. In this form of dying, one is nailed to a cross, either straight up, upside down, or in other fashions.
Once one is crucified, one begins to lose blood, but one still tries to hang up there with one’s strength as support. Soon, however, the strength will give and the weight will be on the hands nailed and legs. Because of this, you will try to keep breathing and this will get one to suffocate for hours or days before finally succumbing to death.
There are those that get their hands and feet cut off to hasten their deaths.
1. Scaphism
This may end up being the worst thing that can happen to someone, but luckily, it hardly happens. Also known as boats, it used to be a practice among the Persian that involved torturing one to death. The person to be killed will be tied between two boats or a tree trunk with their heads and legs out. Next, they are fed with milk and honey to a point that their system is no longer able to hold it and their bowel gives way.
Next, more milk and honey is applied to their sensitive parts such as the nose, ears, eyes, and even genitals so that it will attract insects such as bees. After this, they are left in the sun or push to float on water. They are continuously fed each day with the same thing so that starvation does not kill them.
If bees or termites don’t come and finish them, maggots or other insects may do the job. In some cases, they are eaten inside-out!