English remains the lingua franca of Nigeria with Nigerian pidgin as the second most spoken language in the country. However, there are more than 530 languages spoken in Nigeria by different people in the 36 states and Federal Capital Territory (FCT).
These languages are different in classification, sounds, words, orthography and more. More so, many of the languages in Nigeria are further divided into dialects. The dialects may vary in accents, words, and structure among other things.
For instance, Igbo is a language that has many dialects that include Owerri Igbo and Onitsha Igbo. This is why some dialects say Ala (madness) while others go with Ara to mean the same thing.
What are The Major Languages in Nigeria?
Nigeria has 4 major indigenous languages spoken in the country. These languages are spoken in different parts of the 6 geopolitical zones.
These major languages spoken in Nigeria are Nigerian Pidgin, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba
Nigerian Pidgin
This language even though started with a lot of speakers who are less educated, it still has been able to be used in schools, hospitals, and many other formal settings. The language is spoken by millions of people. It is the only language outside of English to be spoken in every geopolitical zone in Nigeria.
Hausa Language
This is another indigenous language that is also divided into different dialects that include that of Kano and Sokoto. It is one of the widely spoken languages in Nigeria and has speakers in the North-West, North-Central, and North-East geopolitical zones.
Igbo Language
The Igbo language in Nigeria remains a major ethnic group with speakers in the South-South and majorly in the South-East geopolitical zones. The language currently has more than 42 million speakers across more than 5 states of Nigeria.
Yoruba Language
The Yoruba language belongs to the Benue-Congo that falls under the Niger-Congo language family. The language being one of the major languages in Nigeria has its native speakers in the South-Western geopolitical zone of the country and boasts of about 50 million speakers in West Africa.
States and Tribes in Nigeria
Federal Capital Territory (FCT)
- Ashe
- Dibo
- Egbira
- Gade
- Ganagana
- Gwandara
- Gwari (Gbari)
- Kami
- Nupe
- Saya (Sayawa, Za’ar)
See Also: South East States in Nigeria- Complete List, Population, Revenue, Current Governors
Abia State
- Igbo
Adamawa State
- Babur
- Batta
- Bilei
- Bille
- Botlere
- Bwatiye
- Bwazza
- Falli
- Ga’anda
- Gombi
- Bachama
- Banso
- Baya
- Bura (Bura-Pabir)
- Daba
- Daka
- Ga’anda
- Gira
- Gizigz
- Gwa
- Gwamba
- Holma
- Hona
- Ichen
- Jibu
- Jirai
- Kaka (Manenguba)
- Kamwe
- Kanakuru (Dera)
- Kanuri
- Kilba
- Kurdul
- Kwah (Baa)
- Lakka
- Lala
- Ubbo
- Longuda (Lunguda)
- Mambilla
- Margi
- Matakarn
- Mbol
- Mbula
- Muchaila
- Mundang
- Ngweshe (Ndhang, Ngoshe-Ndahng)
- Njayi
- Pire
- Shuwa
- Teme
- Tigon
- Tur
- Vemgo
- Verre
- Wagga
- Wula
- Wurbo
- Yungur
Akwa Ibom State
- Anang
- Eket
- Ibeno
- Ibibio
- Obolo
- Okobo (Okkobor)
- Oro
Anambra State
- Aduge
- Igbo
Bauchi State
- Ajawa
- Ngas (Angas)
- Banka
- Bara (Barawa)
- Barke
- Bele (Buli, Belewa)
- Bole (Bolewa)
- Boma
- Bomboro
- Burak
- Buta
- Chama (Fitilai)
- Chamo
- Dadiya
- Daza (Dere, Derewa)
- Deno
- Duguri
- Duma
- Fula (Fulani, Fulfulde)
- Galambi
- Gera (Gere, Gerawa)
- Geruma (Gerumawa)
- Gingwak
- Gubi
- Gudu
- Gururntum
- Gyem
- Hausa
- Jara (Jaar, Jarawa, Jarawa-Dutse)
- Jere (Jare, Jera, Jerawa)
- Jimbin
- Jukun
- Karekare
- Kariya
- Kirfi
- Kubi (Kubawa)
- Kudachano
- Kushi
- Kwami (Kwom)
- Longuda (Lunguda)
- Miya
- Ngamo
- Ningi
- Pa’a
- Pero
- Pkanzom
- Poll
- Rebina
- Sanga
- Saya (Sayawa, Za’ar)
- Segidi
- Siri
- Tangale
- Tera
- Tula
- Waja
- Warji
- Zaranda
- Zayam
- Zulawa
Bayelsa State
- Abureni
- Biseni
- Ekpeye
- Engenni
- Epie
- Ijaw
- Igbo
- Izondjo
- Kugbo
- Ogbah
- Ogbia
- Okodia
Benue State
- Akweya-Yachi
- Basa
- Bekwarra
- Etulo
- Idoma
- Igala
- Igbo
- Igede
- Jukun
- Nyifon
- Tiv
- Wapan
- Wannu
- Yalla
Borno State
- Afade
- Arabic
- Babur
- Buduma
- Bura (Bura-Pabir)
- Cibak (Chibbak, Chibok)
- Chinine
- Dghwede
- Fula (Fulani, Fuldulde)
- Gamergu (Mulgwa, Malgo, Malgwa)
- Gavako
- Gwom
- Hausa
- Kamwe
- Kanakuru (Dera)
- Kanembu
- Mandara
- (Wandala)
- Margi
- Mobber
- Shuwa
Cross River State
- Abanyom
- Adim
- Adun
- Afrike
- Akaju-Ndem
- Anyima
- Bachera
- Bekwarra
- Bette
- Boki (Niki)
- Efik
- Ejagham (Jagham), Ekajuk
- Ekoi
- Etung
- Gbo (Agbo, Legbo)
- Humono (Kohumono)
- Ikorn
- Iyala (Iyalla)
- Mbembe
- Mbube
- Nkim
- Nkum
- Ododop
- Olulumo
- Qua
- Ukelle (Kele, Kukelle)
- Yache
- Yakurr (Yako)
Delta State
- Igbo
- Ika
- Isoko
- Itsekiri
- Izondjo
- Ukwai (Kwale, Aboh)
- Urhobo
- Uvwie
Ebonyi State
- Afikpo
- Edda
- Effium
- Ezza
- Ikwo
- Izzi
- Kukele
- Legbo
- Mbembe
- Okposi
- Uburu
- Oring
Edo State
- Akoko Edo
- Bini
- Ebirra (Igbira)
- Ebu
- Esan (Ishan)
- Etsako (Afenmai)
- Etuno
- Ijaw
- Okpamheri
- Owan
- Uneme
Ekiti State
- Ekiti (Dialect of Yoruba)
- Izon
Enugu State
- Igbo
- Mbembe
Gombe State
- Awak
- Bangwiji
- Bolewa
- Centuum
- Dadiya
- Dera
- Dikaka
- Dza
- Fulfulde (Fulani, Fula)
- Hausa
- Jukun
- Kanu
- Kamo
- Kushi
- Kyak
- Longuda
- Loo
- Moo
- Tangale
- Tera
- Tangale
- Tso
- Tula
- Waja
Imo State
- Igbo Language
Jigawa State
- Ngas (Angas)
- Auyoka (Auyokaya, Awiaka)
- Fula (Fulani, Fuldulde)
- Hausa
- Kaduna
- Kanuri
- Warja
Kaduna State
- Attakar (Ataka)
- Ayu
- Basa
- Bina
- Fula (Fulani, Fuldulde)
- Gure
- Gwandara
- Hausa
- Hyam (Ham, Jaba, Jabba)
- Jju (Kaje, Kache)
- Kadara (Ajuah, Ajure, Adaa, Azuwa, Eda)
- Kafanchan
- Kagoro
- Kajuru
- Kamaku
- Kanikon
- Katab (Kataf)
- Kiballo (Kiwollo)
- Koro (Kwaro)
- Kurama
- Manchok
- Moruwa (Moro’a, Morwa)
- Rishuwa
- Rumada
- Rumaya
- Saya (Sayawa, Za’ar)
- Srubu
- Uncinda
Kano State
- Fula (Fulani, Fuldulde)
- Hausa
- Igede (Egede)
- Shira
- Teshena
- Fula (Fulani, Fuldulde)
- Hausa
Kebbi State
- Bisa
- Boko
- Cipu (Western Acipa)
- C’Lela
- Dakarkari
- Damakawa
- Danda
- Dendi
- Duka
- Fula (Fulani, Fuldulde)
- Gibanawa
- Hausa
- Lopa
- Kamaku
- Reshe
- Us-Saraare
- Ut-Mat’in
- Tskimba
- Tsishigini
- Tsucuba
- Tsuvadi
- Zarma
Kogi State
- Basa
- Bunu
- Ebirra (Igbira)
- Ebu
- Gbedde
- Gwari (Gbari)
- Igala
- Igbo
- Ijuma
- Nupe
- Okun
- Saya (Sayawa, Za’ar)
- Yoruba
Kwara State
- Baatonum
- Bariba
- Bokobaru
- Ebira
- Nupe
- Ogori
- Owe
- Oworo
- Tapa
- Yagba
Lagos State
- Afrikaans
- Awori
- Egun
- Yoruba
Nassarawa State
- Agatu
- Alago
- Arum
- Ashe
- Basa
- Duya
- Eggon
- Eloyi
- Gade
- Goemai
- Gwandara
- Gwari (Gbagyi)
- Kantana
- Kofyar
- Koro (Kwaro)
- Lijili
- Mada
- Ninzo
- Nungu
- Tiv
- Wapan
Niger State
- Baruba (Barba
- Baushi
- Boko (Bussawa, Bargawa)
- Buduma
- Cipu (Western Acipa)
- Dakarkari
- Fula (Fulani, Fuldulde)
- Gade
- Gurmana
- Gwandara
- Gwari (Gbari)
- Hausa
- Kadara (Ajuah, Ajure, Adaa, Azuwa, Eda)
- Kamaku
- Koro (Kwaro)
- Kurama
- Laaru (Larawa)
- Lopa (Lupa)
- Nupe
- Pongo
- Reshe
- Rubu
- Saya (Sayawa, Za’ar)
- Uncinda
- Ura (Ula)
- Yumu
- Zabara
Ogun State
- Awori
- Egun
- Yoruba
Ondo State
- Ebirra
- Izondjo
- Yoruba
Oyo State
- Yoruba
Plateau State
- Afo
- Amo
- Arago/Alago
- Anaguta
- Ngas (Angas)
- Ankwei (Goemai)
- Bada
- Bashiri (Bashirawa)
- Basa
- Berom (Birom)
- Bokkos
- Buji
- Burma (Burmawa, Bogom)
- Bwalll
- Challa
- Chip
- Chokobo
- Doemak (Dumuk)
- Fyam (Fyem)
- Fyer (Fer)
- Ganawuri (Qanawuri)
- Geruma (Gerumawa)
- Goernai
- Gusu
- Gwandara
- Irigwe
- Izere (Jarawa, Izarek, Afizere, Jos-Zarazon)
- Jere (Jare,Jera, Jerawa)
- Jidda-Abu
- Jukun
- Kantana
- Katab (Kataf)
- Kulere (Kaler)
- Kurama
- Kwalla
- Kwaro
- Kwato
- Limono
- Mabo
- Kantana
- Memyang (Meryan)
- Miango
- Migili
- Montol
- Mupun
- Mushere
- Mwahavul (Mwaghavul)
- Pai
- Pyapun (Piapung)
- Ron
- Rukuba
- Shangawa (Shangua)
- Shan-Shan
- Sikdi
- Sukur
- Tiv
- Yergan
- Yuom
Rivers State
- Abua
- Degema
- Ebana
- Egbema
- Ekpeye
- Engenni
- Epie
- Etche
- Gokana (Kana)
- Igbo
- Izondjo
- Obolo
- Ogba
Sokoto State
- Fula (Fulani, Fuldulde)
- Hausa
- Kyenga (Kengawa)
- Shanga
- Uncinda
Taraba State
- Abon
- Babur
- Bambuko
- Banda (Bandawa)
- Betso
- Bobua
- Chamba
- Chukkol
- Dangsa
- Diba
- Fula (Fulani, Fulfulde)
- Gengle
- Geji
- Gornun (Gmun)
- Gonia
- Gwom
- Hausa
- Idoma
- Jahuna
- Jaku
- Jero
- Jonjo (Jenjo)
- Jukun
- Kaba
- Kanuri
- Karimjo
- Kenton
- Koma
- Kona
- Kugama
- Kunini
- Kuteb
- Kutin
- Kwanchi
- Kwanka (Kwankwa)
- Lama
- Lamja
- Lau
- Mbum
- Mumuye
- Ndoro
- Nyandang
- Panyam
- Pkanzom
- Poll
- Potopo
- Sakbe
- Sate
- Shomo
- Tarok (Taroh)
- Tikar
- Tiv
- Vommi
- Waka
- Wurkin
- Yandang
- Yott
Yobe State
- Babur
- Bade
- Bole (Bolewa)
- Bura (Bura-Pabir)
- Buru
- Fula (Fulani, Fulfulde)
- Kanuri
- Karekare (Karaikarai)
- Manga
- Ngamo
- Ngizim
- Ngweshe (Ndhang, Ngoshe-Ndhang)
Zamfara State
- Arabic
- Burmawa
- Fulfulde
- Gobir
Which State Has The Highest Number of Languages Spoken in Nigeria?
Bauchi, Adamawa, and Plateau states are said to have the highest number of languages spoken in Nigeria. Each of the states has more than 45 different languages alongside many dialects.
According to sources, Bauchi has the total highest number of tribes in Nigeria with about 60 different languages while Adamawa has about 58. Plateau State on the other hand is said to have nothing less than 40 languages spoken in the state.